The Kits-To-Go silicon-based lace adhesive systems for lace wigs, facial pieces and hand laid beards are based on 3 products. The Adhesive, the Corrector, and the Remover. Developed for various working environments, the kits come in 3 convenient sizes and have a practical carabiner which can easily be attached to any make-up bag.
The Go-On-Set-Kit is designed to provide all the necessary products and tools to achieve professional results with ease and precision.
The ideal adhesive for lace wigs, facial pieces, and hand-laid beards. This unique formula ensures a fluid consistency, easy application, stays flexible and is water and sweat resistant. The matting agent prevents a shiny appearance.
Der ideale Kleber für Tüllansatzperücken, Gesichtshaarteile und von Hand geklebte Bärte. Diese einzigartige Formel hat eine perfekte Konsistenz, erlaubt einfaches Auftragen des Klebers, bleibt flexibel und ist Wasser- und Schweissresistent.
The Corrector reactivates the adhesive to reposition the lace without adding more adhesive.
Der Corrector reaktiviert den Klebstoff um die Spitze neu zu positionieren, ohne mehr Kleber zu benötigen.
This gentle formula removes and cleans the lace and skin fast and without leaving behind any residue. In addition, it leaves the skin smooth and clean.
Diese sanfte Formel entfernt schnell, reinigt alle Kleberrückständevom Tüll und hinterlässt die Haut sauber und geschmeidig.
Hand & Tool Sanitizer
All in one spray sanitizer for hands, tools and working surfaces. Vitamin and oil enhanced. Alcohol based.
Unique and specially developed additions to assist in the professional application of lace wigs and hair.